LVS Ascot - A Round Square School

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Round Square

Round Square is an internationally diverse network of 245 like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents that connect and collaborate to offer world-class programmes and experiences, developing global competence, character and confidence in our students.

We are like-minded in our shared understanding of the hardwired link between character education and academic success.

We also believe that in order to equip our students for positive, active and engaged global citizenship we must offer them more than academic knowledge and qualifications.

lvs ascot round square

International Opportunities

Through the Round Square Community, schools bring their students face-to-face with their peers from across the world to exchange ideas, learn about each other’s countries and cultures, and to discuss and debate some of the most difficult, and sensitive, issues facing our world today.

Whether in-person, at Round Square Conferences, via Student Exchange, or on RS Service Projects, or online, through Classroom Collaborations, Zoom Postcards or Language Labs, the aim is always to build students’ International Understanding.

round square framework

An Educational Approach

Round Square schools share a commitment to character education and experiential learning built around six themes – our IDEALS – International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service.

In exploring the Round Square IDEALS, students make twelve Discoveries : inquisitiveness, tenacity, courage, compassion, inventiveness, ability to solve problems, self-awareness, sense of responsibility, appreciation of diversity, commitment to sustainability, communication and team-working skills.