Class Sizes and Streaming

Student at computer

Streaming and Sets

At LVS Ascot, we only stream our students into ‘sets’ in English, Science and Maths. Higher ability students will go into higher sets.

All other subjects are mixed ability and don’t have sets.
Maths is streamed into sets from Year 7.

English and Science are streamed into sets from Year 8.

“… challenged and encouraged, reaching levels of confidence, maturity and academic progress that has surpassed all expectations.”

– Parents of LVS Ascot student


Benchmarking is done via GL Assessment tests at Year 7 (and any mid-year entry of that year). We benchmark again at Year 10. Year 12s are benchmarked via the CEM ALIS test.

Individual student progress is measured through a combination of class work, homework, subject level tests, end of year assessments, and public exams.

Class Size

Average senior school class sizes are around 15 students, although this may go up to 24 in a top-set English or Maths class.

High Ability Students

Our high ability students are supported through a combination of subject-specific enrichment, unique breakaway classes and enrichment speakers and trips. We have also joined NACE (National
Association for Able Children in Education) and use their framework to work towards a special accreditation which judges how well we cater for the most able.


If one of our pupils is struggling, they are assisted by a combination of teacher/pastoral support and, if required, our dedicated Additional Learning Needs Department.

GCSE Subject Options
Extra-Curricular Activities
Scholarship, Discounts & Bursaries
Senior School Well-being
Transition To Senior School