Woking Bus Route Details and Booking

Bus Service Timetable

lvs ascot bus route

Book this Bus Service

Map of Woking bus route

Please read the terms and conditions below before booking

  • Payment: Bookings are made for a full term’s travel only, which will be invoiced at the end of each term. No discounts/reductions will be given for sickness, holidays or any other absence including after-school clubs and sports fixtures. Note: Bus transport cannot be booked on an ad-hoc basis and is for a full term only.
  • Termination Notice: If you wish to change or terminate using the bus service, please give a full term’s notice in writing.
  • Passes: Passes are required on some services and must be shown (details will be provided).
  • Contact Changes: Please keep us updated of any change to mobile phone numbers.
  • Departure Times: Please ensure that all children are at their stop five minutes before departure time. This will allow for variations in traffic conditions.
  • Return Journey: After school, the bus will leave at 4.10pm. If your child has a club, sports practice, or if they are being picked up by car, they should let a fellow pupil know that they will not be returning on the bus.
  • Behaviour: Bus drivers will report any behaviour that causes concern to the driver and to the school. Three written warnings for bad behaviour on any bus will result in exclusion from the bus service.
  • Age Limit: Children in Years 0 to 2 are considered too young to travel on the bus on their own and must be accompanied by an older sibling in Year 5 or above.
  • Pre-Booking Required: Transport on the school buses must be arranged in advance. No pupil is permitted to travel on the school bus service if not pre-booked for that service.

Help / Further Questions

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